EPA sends $291,000 to Ottumwa for sewer separation
April 26, 2010

The city of Ottumwa, Iowa, has just received a $291,000 grant from the EPA to help with an expensive sewer-separation project. Ottumwa is one of about a dozen cities in our region where the sanitary sewers and storm sewers are combined. This causes extremely high flow levels to reach the municipal wastewater treatment plants serving those communities when storms pass through, and those high flows sometimes lead to sewer overflows -- discharges of untreated wastewater directly into rivers and streams. The EPA is mandating that many of these combined sewer systems be replaced with separated sewers dedicated to each type of flow, so that stormwater can be discharged directly into the rivers and streams, and sanitary sewage can be treated normally at the plant. For those communities going through the separation process, we offer products like (and product knowledge about) flap gates, bar screens, and disinfection systems, among many other items.

April 2010
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last revised April 2010