Saylorville Dam might not be overtopped
March 18, 2010

The latest model being used by Polk County Emergency Management and the US Army Corps of Engineers suggests that the emergency bladder atop the Saylorville Dam should provide about a foot and a half of freeboard above the high water level expected at Saylorville, which could prevent flooding in the city of Des Moines. The city is developing temporary levees as a secondary defense in case the reservoir is overtopped, but the complete set of efforts to upgrade flood protections in Des Moines isn't complete -- one major flood-control project just went to bids a few days ago, which places construction months away.

Related products: We serve the flood-management sector with products ranging from portable pumps to temporary dams to flood-control gates. If you need information on any of those products, please feel free to contact us at any time.

March 2010
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