Engineering professor predicts 50 years to a global water shortage
May 5, 2009

At a conference called "The Future of Water for Food" at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Harvard University engineering professor Peter Rogers was quoted as saying that the world would face freshwater shortages on a scale that could threaten food supplies within the next half-century. Rogers has issued similar warnings elsewhere, including in "Scientific American" last August. The issue is of considerable importance to Nebraska, since agriculture is a large share of the state's economy, and crop production in turn consumes the vast majority of the state's water through irrigation. The conference served as the unveiling for the Global Water Institute, which will be headquartered at UNL.

Among the ways in which water can be preserved is better reuse. We can help you with a variety of water-recycling products, from disinfection systems to sand filters. Please feel free to contact us with your questions.

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